Friday, December 29, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
exactly what kind of party is this??
Monday, December 18, 2006
procrastinators unite! ...tomorrow.
- When I was in school, I always waited until the day before a paper was due to write it. I am convinced that it is because of students like me that teachers started checking students' work throughout a research paper or project instead of just looking at the final product. (I.E., you get separate grades for your note cards, bibliography, rough draft, etc.) One time in college, I had to write a 50-page paper, and I wrote at least 40 of the pages the night before it was due. Seriously.
- Ever since I started doing my own laundry, I wait until I either have no clean underwear or all of my favorite shirts are dirty before I wash clothes. Part of this is due to my tendency to procrastinate & part of it is because I just hate laundry.
- I don't buy groceries until we are just about completely out of food. Wouldn't it be smart of me to buy stuff before we run out? Yes, but that would actually require planning ahead. Which I don't do very well.
- Household projects seem to never get done. We have just recently moved into a new house, and there are still several things that need to be done. There is no reason why we shouldn't have all of our pictures on the wall, or all of the miscellaneous boxes unpacked, or the lawnmower out of the breakfast room. (Yes, we really do have a lawnmower in our breakfast room.) But if you walked into our house right now, that is exactly what you would find. Granted, some of that has to do with time constraints, but one might argue that I should be doing those things right now instead of posting on my blog. :-)
- Last but not least...the most applicable this time of year...Christmas shopping. This is the event that gave me the whole idea for this blog. And this is the one I am most proud of on the list. As of this past Friday, December 15th, I had only purchased for one of the 16 people on my list to shop for Christmas. And that was an online purchase, so the only reason I had already done it is so it would get here in time. So Saturday & Sunday, I shopped my little heart out. And what did I accomplish? Well, I now only have Baron to shop for. That's right - I did all of my shopping except for just a few gifts for Baron. In just 2 days. Some of you might think that is irresponsible. Some will think it is just plain foolish. I call it creative. Thank you very much. Hey - at least I didn't wait until Christmas Eve.
So for all of you procrastinators that might be reading, maybe you should stop playing around on the internet & go do something productive. I know I am. Ok not really.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
'tis the season
Ding! Fries are Done
O Holy Night
White Christmas
A Christmas Story
Christmas Eve in Canton
Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
you want to do WHAT?
Professional Insurance for Beauty business (to include Advertising injury, Personal injury, premises liability, rental damage, content, procedures, machines and product liability )to cover hair cuts, chemical services, hair & lash extensions, eyes tinting, facial services & machines, massage. Right now don't have a salon but may work as booth renter or independent contractor. Need to cover equipment and machines. Thanks.Wait a minute...what? "Right now don't have a salon but may work as booth renter or independent contractor." Come again, sir? A booth renter? Is that like, I go to the Alabama National Fair & see his booth and decide to get a quick hair extension before I get on the Alpine Bobs? Does anyone know what this means? And independent contractor...hmmm...maybe I'm just out of the whole salon loop, but does that mean you can like rent him out or something? One more thing...eyes tinting? Please tell me you meant to say "eyebrow tinting". Maybe we should stay away from this prospective client.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
love offering
Friday, November 24, 2006
a ladybug & chicken thanksgiving
Every year for Thanksgiving we go to visit my mom's family in Albany, Georgia. This is our usual agenda for Thanksgiving Day:
- Baron & I drive over there Thursday morning. We usually get to my aunt & uncle's house just in time for dinner.
- When we get there, everyone feasts on our traditional Thanksgiving vittles: turkey, ham, dressing, Veg-all casserole, sweet potato casserole, cranberry salad, green beans (or green bean casserole), rolls, and of course an assortment of desserts.
- After we eat, we sit around & watch T.V. The girls usually watch some girly movie in the front living room, and the guys watch football in the back den. I actually usually end up watching football because I'm not interested in the movies my mom & Tata (my grandmother) choose to watch in the girly room. (No offense, mom & Tata!)
- Right about halftime of whatever game is on, someone suggests that we go for a walk. Some people have already fallen asleep at this time, so you never know who will attend the walk. This year it was just me, Baron, & my dad. I think everyone else was too busy watching the girly movie.
- Back to watching T.V. (Sometimes we go to the local putt-putt/go-carts place & hang out, but we opted out of that this year.)
- Eat turkey sandwiches for supper.
on my arm
on my mom's legs
on the water tower
on my mom's head...and one on her shoulder
Also, for some reason there were chickens in the neighborhood. I don't know whose chickens they were, but when we got back from the ladybug adventure, of course I snapped a picture. I tried to get a closer one but they were scared of me. I don't know why...I was only running after them with my camera phone in the air like a psyho blogger capturing the moment. Anyway, here are the Thanksgiving chickens in my aunt & uncle's yard.
Monday, November 20, 2006
new phone!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I've been dealing with a cold since Saturday, and I decided it was time to destroy it. I'd been taking Nyquil every night since then, but I'm always wary of daytime medicines because they make me drowsy (despite the non-drowsy promise plastered on the box). Anyway, last night at Wal-Mart I decided to try Sudafed PE Cold & Cough. I've taken regular Sudafed before - the tiny little red tablets - and they don't make me sleepy or anything. So this morning I took the daytime Sudafed, and now I am regretting it. I just bent over in my chair to pick up a staple I dropped, and I nearly toppled over as a result of my drunken stupor. What is wrong with me? Why can't I take non-drowsy medicine and NOT get drowsy? Does anyone else have this problem? So I guess the only time I can take anything for my cold is at night before I go to bed. Boooo.
By the way, it just took me like 15 minutes to type this post because my brain is not capable of telling my fingers what to do right now.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
halloween...a few days late
Howie & Laura (yes, that is model #22's real name)
of course, I had the winning case!
Baron as a redneck, complete with Big Cletus teeth
well obviously, this is me as a duck
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
well, here it is!
Cool Slideshows |
Thursday, October 19, 2006
the time has come!
For some reason, the other day I woke up with the old Acapella song stuck in my head. "The time has come; we must not waste it!" Of course, this song has a deep meaning about spreading the gospel, but for me right now, it means Baron & I are down to crunch time with our moving process. We closed on our house Tuesday, and since then we've been wandering around in this dream we call reality, desperately trying to figure out what our next step is in the process. I am a multi-tasker by nature, so that means my brain has been multi-tasking all week, trying to think of things we still need to get done, what curtains I still need to buy, where I am going to put each piece of furniture in the new house, yadda yadda yadda. Needless to say, it has been a little difficult to concentrate at work the past couple of days. Anyway, our house is finally finished, and it is finally actually ours. Sorry I don't have any pics of the completed house, but I guess you'll just have to keep an eye out for pics of the completed decorated house.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
our the middle of our street...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
attention, kmart shoppers!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
costume dilemma
2003 - Terminator & Terminatrix:
2004 - Scary Vampire People...or whatever:
2005 - Dread Pirate Roberts & Princess Buttercup (can you tell I picked this one?):
Hmmm...maybe this year we could go back to our roots...
Monday, September 18, 2006
thanks for the ride, honda
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
confused creature & a new discovery
He was trying to fly through the window. I think he was confused. We opened the door, but he didn't see us, so he kept trying to fly through the window. Then we opened the window more, but he still did not heed our advice. I really wanted to pick him up & put him outside, but he was so spastic that I was scared he would flutter into my face or something.
As I approached the hummingbird in an attempt to psyche myself up for touching him, I looked out the window and saw a hideous creature. It was the biggest stinging insect I have ever seen. Is that a wasp?'s too big. A yellow jacket? It has yellow on its body. No, still too big. I had no idea what it was, but I sure was scared of it. When we were finished looking at this house, we walked out the front door, and there it was again. It had made its way around the house to stage its surprise attack on us. There it was, lurking amongst the mounds of dirt and tall weeds. How would we get around it? It was huge. Needless to say, Baron safely walked past it as I scurried to the safety of the street. (I'm not sure why the street seemed so much safer than the yard, but it did.) So when we got home, I looked it up online and found out it is a cicada killer. It's in the wasp family. Ok, so since we have so many cicadas here in the south, how have I never seen or even heard of one of these things? The one we saw was probably close to 2 inches long. It was so scary. But apparently they are somewhat docile stinging insects, much like the mud dauber. They "supposedly" only sting when provoked, unlike the wasp or yellow jacket (which apparently sting out of pure enjoyment??). Whatever...I'm still staying away from them. Here is a picture, in case you ever come across one & don't know what it is. Beware the cicada killer.
(To read more about cicada killers, click here.)
Saturday, September 02, 2006
it really DOES work!!
When the time came for me to throw the bouquet, the single ladies at the reception (which ended up being my single bridesmaids, my cousin, and Mark's girlfriend, Lindsay, because no one else had the guts to step forward) stood behind me anxiously awaiting their destiny. I tossed the bouquet back. It hit the ceiling. Do-over. I tossed it again, and turned around to see my bridesmaid & good friend, Melissa McGuire, holding the coveted bouquet. Way to go, Myliss!!
So then it was Baron's turn. After excitedly reaching up my dress to the nether regions where the garter resided, he tossed it behind him. He was aiming for his groomsman & long-time friend, John Bedingfield, who had been dating his girlfriend for like 43 years or something. But my brother managed to intercept the pass & take charge of his own destiny. So there they were - Melissa & Mark. And now, here in 2006, each of them are engaged. (But not to each other. That would be weird.) Coincidence? I think not. You're welcome, Melissa & Mark. You're welcome.
And here are a couple of pictures from our wedding, just for old time's sake...