People who have children post about milestones in their kids' lives: first word, first steps, first tooth, etc. Well, we don't have kids yet, so I will post about a HUGE milestone in my dog's life. Are y'all ready for this?
I know, I know. This does not sound like a huge accomplishment. You're probably thinking, "Yeah, so? My dog poops in the yard all the time. Big woop." {Yes, I just said "big woop", and no, it's not 1995.} Well, y'all don't understand the quirkiness that is Toby. We got him from the shelter back in July, and he has not ONCE pooped in the yard. Since we got him, he has only pooped when we walk him. Or in the house, which is obviously not preferred. He knows not to poop in the house, but if we don't have time to walk him when he needs to poop, he goes in the house. (Side note: we don't have a fenced yard, so we have to take him out on a leash.) One time I even stayed with him in the backyard for like 4 hours just to try to get him to poop & got NOTHING. So anyway, back to tonight's event. I finally got him to poop in the yard, and y'all have NO idea how excited I was! I lavishly praised him for a good 5 minutes. We ran around the yard & celebrated. I hope this is the beginning of a lifelong habit of pooping in the yard instead of waiting until the walk down the street. TO TOBY! WHO FINALLY POOPED IN THE YARD!!