Natalie is now 7 months old. I can't believe she is getting so big!
At 4 months, we started feeding her solids: cereal, then veggies, then fruit. She's a pro now, of course. :)
She started sitting up really well on her own when she was about 5 1/2 months old.
At her 6-month appointment, she weighed 17lbs, 10oz and was 26" long. She's a little chunker. :)
She hasn't officially said her first word yet, although of course I like to count "ma ma ma ma" as "Mama". She loves to babble in "b" and "p" sounds. She has discovered how loudly she can holler & squeal. It's cute most of the time; not so much during the prayer at church.
Here are a few pics of case you've forgotten what she looks like. If you're friends with me on facebook, then I KNOW you haven't forgotten what she looks like, because I obsessively post pics of her. Almost annoyingly often. :) But I can't help it...she's just so darn cute!
And in other news...we've started on the conversion of the dining room into a study. And by "started", I mean we got rid of the dining table & chairs, and that's it. Today I worked from home, so I decided to set up the laptop in the new study to see how it feels. How do you like the TV trays as a desk? And the chair stolen from the breakfast room? ;) Hopefully soon we'll get started on this project for real!