Monday, August 23, 2010

glass menagerie

Recently, my friend Ashley over at pure + lovely wrote about the loveliness of glass pieces used as decor. Her post reminded me of how much I LOVE these old glass bottles I have around my house, so I decided to share them with you. These are who-knows-how-old bottles that my grandmother collected, and pulled out of storage when she moved here from Georgia. She didn't want them naturally, I rummaged the collection and took as many as I could!

Our house has fantastically high ceilings in the entry/living rooms, and we have these great small windows up near the ceiling. These things can be fun, or they can be a pain. The best solution in the living room for energy effeciency/glareless TV viewing would be to install dramatic floor-to-ceiling drapes, but since I neglected to consider that option when we first moved in, the windows remained naked. That is, until I confiscated these lovely bottles that now sit nicely in the windowsills. Cuteness! I also have them in the window above our front door, and there are also miniature versions of some of the larger bottles. I just love these little treasures! And the best part is, they didn't cost me a dime!

{that blue bottle on the far left is shaped like a fish!}

{the purple bottle looks like it has a turkey foot holding a ball. And the blue one is a horseshoe shape!
How fun is that?}

{I'm pretty sure the bottle with the cross once held holy water. At least that's the story I prefer.}

{This interesting bottle has a "nubbin" with a metal screw or something in it.}

Thanks for reading!

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